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however sometimes this is not enough and professional help is needed. Counselling and therapy can be helpful for a wide range of problems including:

Depression, stress and anxiety

Relationship difficulties

Bereavement and loss

Questions around personal identity

Unresolved issues from the past

Feeling unable to move-on in life

Traumatic experience

Within a safe and comfortable environment, I will listen and help you to understand how past experiences, concerns about the future, or issues surrounding self confidence may affect your life. Together we can reflect on how you respond to events in your life and begin to explore the way that you relate to yourself and others. I will not tell you what to do or give advice, but will help you to make your own choices.

Many people experience emotional difficulties at some point in their lives. When in distress people may turn to their family and friends for support,


0161 477 0119

07963 554 960

88 Avondale Road, Edgeley, Stockport SK3 0DA


Dip. Counsellor

Dip. Hypno-Psychotherapist

EFT Advanced Practitioner
